Oh I so wish I had bumped into you while you were in London! Was it Dovetale in Mayfair you went for dinner? If anybody can pull an anorak for dinner off, it is you. I've been pondering a Louis Vuitton Speedy - I was leaning toward dark green Epi leather but you have (once again) influenced and my pondering continues. Enjoy Paris! X

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Now that’s the way retail needs to flex, to more personal service and the overall experience!💕 Thank you so much for sharing your adventures, Jalil! I’m excited to see what you ended up with (those white pumps are amazing but my feet hurt just looking at them), including your bespoke tee! So fun!

Enjoy Paris!

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Had the urge to “like” every picture as I scrolled - I love all your hidden gems and secret finds. Personalization is 2025 + beyond!!!

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