May 31Liked by Jalil Johnson

Gorgeous. All of it!! I just wonder though how you find the comfort of the beaded chokers - I definitely wore them in my youth (late 90s/early noughties when chokers were very of the moment!) but find they quite literally choke the life out of me now! Recommendations for ones that are a little bit more generous in their sizing, sitting on the clavicle instead of so close to the throat?

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This one from Lizzie Fortunato did not feel as if it was choking me, and plus it is long enough to be worn as a bracelet or an anklet. https://atpresent.com/collections/jalil-johnson/products/cabana-necklace-dragon-fruit

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I totally understand! I hate that feeling when you have to keep tugging on the necklace because you feel you are being choked. For the Encirkled opal necklace I am wearing above, I feel like the opals are so smooth that I did not feel any discomfort. However, I think the most comfortable option may be one of these Lariats from Joie DiGiovanni https://atpresent.com/collections/jalil-johnson/products/lapis-white-baroque-freshwater-pearl-lariat. Being that it is not enclosed you have the freedom to tied it as tight or as loose as you want.

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That jacket is everything.

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You can't go wrong with a little Christopher John Rogers!

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May 22Liked by Jalil Johnson


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